A novelty chess set can be any theme related to pop culture or history or based on anything other than traditional Staunton or Tournament pieces. Usually the chess pieces are designed around a character or family of related characters, and the squares on the chessboard are colored correlating to the matter.
Novelty Chess Sets Based on Movies
For the ultimate battle for the Allspark, then check out the Transformers chess set. Play good (Autobots) or bad (Decepticons) and play all the popular characters are included like Bumblebee, Jass, Starscream, and Blackout.
Sports Themed Chess Sets
If you are big into sports, then visit Wholesale Chess.com. You can find novelty chess sets based on professional sports: basketball, soccer, hockey, baseball, football, and even golf.
Chess Sets Based on History and Fun
The ultimate collection of novelty chess sets is at Chesshouse. History, hobbies, and fantasy sets are available here. History buffs will like the abundant selection of Civil and Revolutionary war sets as well as historic sets based on Medieval times and European history. The site also has a special section devoted to the military and certain battles that changed wars.
You can also find other sports themed set here as well as the following:
- Animal sets
- Cats versus Dogs sets
- Chess sets based on the Greek culture
- Chess sets based on the Roman culture
- Egyptian chess sets
- Oriental chess sets
- Nautical sets
- Native American sets
For a novelty chess set that is unusual but cute at the same time, take a look at their Teddy Bear chess set…it might be too irresistible to pass up.
Other Resources
- Chess Express-you can find The Simpsons chess set here.
- Eldrbarry.net-has links and collections of unusual chess sets.
Thinking Man's Game
No matter what themed chess set you use, chess is played the same. Using a novelty chess set allows you any bragging rights for victory. For instance, if you play the Autobots using the Transformers chess set, then you can claim that Optimus Prime has finally defeated Megatron. Yes, bring your nerddom full circle by mentioning chess and your themed set in the same sentence. Then confuse people when you bring out your novelty drinking chess set. They'll forget you said any such thing.