If you think about checkers vs. chess strategy, the mind spins with a number of ideas. Both games require a strategy that maximizes a player's ability to capture her opponents pieces without first losing their own. However, there are a number of differences in strategy and gameplay style. Read on to find out more.
Checkers vs. Chess Strategy
When comparing these two fantastic classic games, a checker vs. chess strategy may leave your head spinning. While the two games have some similarities, the intricate nature of each gives them some distinct variations in style of play.
About Checkers
The object of checkers is to be the last one with game pieces remaining on the board. Game pieces are all the same in a form of a chip, with one player in black and the other in red. During the game, pieces can only move diagonally, and only one space at a time. When a player moves one of his pieces so that it "jumps" over an adjacent piece of their opponent and into an empty space, that player captures the opponent's piece. A player wins by removing all of his opponent's pieces from the board or by blocking the opponent so that he has no more moves.
Checker Tips and Strategy
- A good strategy is to use the forced capture rule to move your opponent into a position where he gives up 2 pieces for one of your own. A one-piece advantage can make a difference in the end.
- Be sure to keep the lanes near your king's row blocked to your opponent. Once either side gets a king, any uncrowned checker in the open is very vulnerable.
- Move between your own pieces and your opponents in order to move adjacent to an opposing checker without suffering any loss.
- Learn about formations, traps, shots, and problems on endplay. The more knowledge you have of checker strategy, the better your game will be.
- If you have control of the center of the board, you have a better chance of controlling the game. Central squares offer a wider scope to assail or uphold the flanks of your opponent.
- Try to keep your pieces out of the side positions unless you can protect them. Outer squares are considered the least safe positions on the checkerboard.
- The four corners of the board are not identical since two of the corners are vulnerable to a dead end with only one pathway to move. Avoid getting trapped in these areas.
- Try to keep your checker pieces are right behind each other, so they cannot get captured by your opponent.
- Once you get your first king, use it to advance your other pieces and get more kings. With 2 or 3 kings you are in a better position to attack your opponent and achieve victory.
About Chess
While there are some similarities to its checker's counterpart, chess distinguishes itself as a more intricate game on many levels. In chess, you have 6 different types of pieces, each with specific rules on how they move and can be played in the game. There is 1 king and queen, 2 rooks, 2 knights, 2 bishops and 8 pawn pieces. Since there are so many ways the pieces can be moved around the board, endless strategies have been made for hundreds of years. This is why it is considered a thinking man's game. Many fans of the game may spend years learning opening moves and strategies from various chess masters. Chess also varies from checkers in the way a game is won. Unlike checkers, you need to put the opponent's king in a position where it cannot escape (checkmate), or is captured.
Chess Tips and Strategy
- Avoid moving a chess piece twice during the game opening. Move the piece again only after your other pieces are strategically placed for the next phase of the game.
- It is best to develop your knights before bishops.
- Avoid developing your chess pieces on one side of the board.
- In the opening phase of the game, avoid moving any of your pieces beyond the 4th row on your side of the board.
- Try to avoid pinning the opponent's king's knight before he has castled. (Especially when you have yourself castled on the king's side
- When planning to take an opponent's piece, avoid making exchanges, which develop another piece for your opponent.
- Don't exchange bishops for knights early in the game. Bishops have the longer range, so it is better to hold on to them for a more effective attack later.
This chess vs. checkers strategy article can help you see the similarities and differences of each game. Each game is a great classic that offers many hours of fun and challenging play.
By Sheila Robinson