Checkers is one of the first board games that many people ever learn how to play. It's simple and straightforward without lots of complicated rules, appealing to both children and adults alike. Though checkers is an easy game to play, there is still strategy and planning involved, much like the strategy used in playing chess. Learn more about the game of checkers and pick up some tips to help you rule the checker board!
Rules and Strategy
Checkers is a pretty easy game to understand. Both players have 12 pieces and the point of the game is to steal your appointment players and get your players to the opposite side so they can get kinged. Using a little bit of strategy and planning, you might even be able to jump over several of your opponents' pieces. This can be really fun for kids when they own their parents.
Educational and Fun for Kids
Many parents enjoy playing checkers with their children because it's so simple to master. The added bonus for parents is that checkers can be educational too! Skills such as sorting, reasoning, and patterning are all absorbed by youngsters learning to play, and very young children will also pick up the importance of patience and taking turns. This can be a great game for not only playing at school but home as well. Think family game night.
Various Ways to Play
Grown-ups can also enjoy a good game of checkers. It's quick and easy to play, and almost everyone knows the rules. If you want to add a little spice to your romantic life, why not try a game of strip checkers one evening? While playing in real time is great, push yourself by taking on a virtual opponent.
Playing Online
The internet has provided lots of new ways to enjoy playing board games, and there are several ways you can play checkers online either on your own or with an opponent. There are even entire game rooms dedicated to epic chess matches that you can join. For an added challenge, try playing a game of checkers against the computer and see how your strategies measure up.
A Game for the Whole Family
Checkers is a fun game for all ages. While much simpler than the game of chess, checkers still uses a lot of strategy and planning to make sure that you get your pieces across the board first. Kids typically love this game, but parents can join in on the fun or have adult only games. Now get your thinking cap on and get ready to learn all about the game of checkers.