Fun Board Games for People With Cerebral Palsy: Kids & Adults

Antique game.

There are many board games for persons with cerebral palsy. Even though people who suffer from cerebral palsy may have trouble with fine motor skills, they can still participate in playing board games. Depending on age and ability level, there are many board games to choose from.

Multi-Age Board Games for Persons With Cerebral Palsy

If you are looking for board games that people of any age can play, you will find the best selection at toy stores. Large toy store retailers carry the best selection, such as (formerly K-B Toys) and Toys R Us. Some games that appeal to people of all ages include:

  • Trouble- a strategy game. The dice is tossed by pressing on a plastic bubble. Each player has 4 medium-sized pegs that are moved into slots.
  • Scene It? - A DVD based board game. The focus is on watching famous scenes from television and movies. There are many different versions of this game. Players also use a board with few game pieces to track which player is winning.

Board Games Young Children

There are more board games for persons with cerebral palsy in the young children category than any other. Manufacturers create many board games for small children, though the use of small game pieces can be problematic for individuals who have difficulty with their fine motor skills. Games that cause fewer problems include:

  • Littlest Pet Shop- players move 1 inch sized plastic pets around the board. The premise of the game is that the pets have escaped without their owners knowing about it. They must race to see who can return home without being caught.
  • Railroad Rush Hour Game- players rush to clear their trains from the track and avoid pile-ups. Large colored trains are the main playing pieces of this board game.
  • The New Touch Game- a sensory game. Players must find and match figures with their corresponding cards.

Other Popular Games

There are other popular games that do not use a game board. These popular games are easy to play and have no small game pieces that need to be maneuvered. The following games are perfect for individuals that have difficulty using their hands to grasp small board game pieces.

  • 20Q Challenge- a fun game of 20 questions. The challenge is to beat the small dome display that seems to guess what you are thinking. If you beat the game after it asks you twenty questions, you will win.
  • Toss Across- players toss soft beanbags onto a large board placed on the floor. This is a variation of Tic Tac Toe. The game has X's and O's that flip when the beanbags are tossed onto them.
  • Connect Four- place your black or red checker in a vertical holder to see who can connect four checkers of a similar color.

Places to Purchase Games

There are several online stores sell board games for persons with cerebral palsy, as well as many other types of games. Search functions on these sites are helpful and allow buyers to search for games by a person's particular disability. The following sites offer games to play with children who have varying disability levels:

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Fun Board Games for People With Cerebral Palsy: Kids & Adults