Harry Potter Scene It? Game Rules, Basics & Tips for Victory

Updated November 5, 2019
Boy dressed in Harry Potter style

Harry Potter experts reign supreme in the Harry Potter Scene It? game. Coming in different versions, you can showcase your Harry Potter prowess by answering questions about the movies to get across the game board. Harry Potter Scene It? uses a blend of wizarding trivia and modern technology to enchant any muggle family.

Harry Potter Scene It?: The Basics

Like most Scene It? games, Harry Potter Scene It? is a trivia game that uses DVD and card challenges to move around a game board. It is recommended for at least two players and playing time can range from 30 to 60 minutes depending on players' trivia expertise. Shorter and longer game rules are available. While the recommended age range for the Scene It? games is from eight years old and up, any Harry Potter movie fan with sufficient familiarity of the game's categories can enjoy the challenge.

Setting Up Harry Potter Scene It?

Because Scene It? uses a DVD, there are some specifics that you'll need for setting up the game. This includes:

  1. Layout the gameboard in front of a TV and DVD player. The game board can be shortened for short games or fully extended for long games.
  2. Select your piece and place it on start.
  3. Place all the cards in their designated areas.
  4. Insert the DVD and choose a DVD master to control the game during play. This also when you will set up your timer.
Harry Potter Scene It? Game
Harry Potter Scene It? 2nd Edition

Basic Game Play

Each player (or teams, if desired) selects a token and attempts to maneuver that token around the circular game board and into the winner's circle by correctly answering various questions. Two dies are used in the game, one to determine the number of spaces a player can move during each turn and the other to determine the type of question they must answer.


Players will be required to complete different challenges within the game.

  • DVD challenges: players will complete 'my play' challenges where only the rolling team can answer, or 'all play' challenges were anyone can answer.
  • Question card challenges: the card challenges are in areas such as Hogwarts, wizarding world and muggles.

Additional Cards and Spaces

The game board also has additional cards and spaces that can help you to win or lose the game.

  • House points cards: these cards will either help or hinder you or an opponent.
  • Player's choice: this roll allows you to pick either a question or house points card or DVD challenge.
  • Floo powder space: when you win a challenge on this game board space, you get double moves in your next roll.

Winning the Game

Winning Harry Potter Scene It? is a little more tricky than just getting to the end of your game path. You must complete a challenge to win. There are two different challenges that can get you in the winner's circle.

All Play to Win

You play the All Play to Win DVD challenge. If you are successful, congrats you proved that you are a wizard. Your letter should be coming by owl any day.

Final Cut

If you failed, not to worry, all hope is not lost. You will just need to move on to the final cut. In this ending, the DVD master will choose final cut and you must successfully answer 3 questions to prove you aren't a muggle. If you fail, no problem, just wait until your next turn.

Harry Potter Scene It? Playing Tips

To capture the magic of victory, players can easily prepare themselves for a Scene It? challenge without resorting to Slytherin-esque tactics. To play the best game possible:

  • Watch each Harry Potter movie, including deleted scenes and bonus features to become familiar with key scenes, lines, and actions.
  • Practice game play with the original Scene It? to become accustomed to how the game works and the types of questions to expect.
  • Be familiar with the Harry Potter books but recognize that the books can differ significantly from the movie versions.
Hogwarts sign on guidepost in town

Replacement DVD

As with any other DVD that you own, if care is not taken, it can easily get scratched or broken. Sadly, Mattel does not offer replacement parts for this product, but you can find replacement DVDs online through vendors like eBay. You might even be able to contact your local resale game store and see if they have one as well.

Harry Potter Scene It? Editions

Given the popularity of Harry Potter in general and the fun of Scene It?, it should come as no surprise that this game has come in several versions.

  • Harry Potter Scene It? Original released in 2005, this game was discontinued in 2006. While is hard to find new, you can find it on resellers like websites eBay and Amazon for about $30.
  • Harry Potter Scene It? 2nd Edition was release in 2007 and is still available for about $50. This version offers new challenges and clips incorporating new movies.
  • Harry Potter Scene it? Cinematic Edition covers all eight movies, including Deathly Hallows, and uses Optreve technology to ensure new questions. You can find this for about $135.

Family Game Night Harry Potter Style

It can be a challenge for families to find board games able to compete with the attraction of high-tech video games, but the Harry Potter Scene It? games offer both modern technology and classic fun for everyone to share. Now put your wizarding hat on and be ready to explain which character turns into a cat. Just remember it is only a game, not the Goblet of Fire.

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Harry Potter Scene It? Game Rules, Basics & Tips for Victory