Family game night is a wonderful way for everyone to get together and have fun. Christians can combine family fun time with bible study using special Christian board games. They're also an excellent activity for church youth groups.
Bible Trivia
This biblical version of a trivia game has question cards for both children 7 and older and adults. Two to four players form teams and compete to show who has the best knowledge of the Bible. The questions are not specific to any particular denomination, so it can be enjoyed by all types of Christians.
The game gets very positive reviews from Amazon users who say their children "liked the challenge" of the questions and it's "super fun and educational!" The team aspect of the play makes the game more interesting than a simple trivia game and encourages family discussion of the answers on each card. The game retails for around $20.
Late for the Sky Bibleopoly
This Christian board game is a spin on the popular Monopoly game. Instead of playing to make the most money, players compete for who can do the most good deeds and help build a church. It's a fun game that uses Biblical teachings to reinforce community service and kindness toward others. The locations on the board replace the traditional streets with places from the Bible. The game is for two to six players and is appropriate for ages 8 and up.
Reviewers on Christian Book overwhelmingly recommend it. Users note that in addition to being fun, it "played out how we are to live in everyday life." The game retails for about $20.
The gameplay in Commissioned is based on cooperating with other players who take on the role of the Apostles. It's actually a game that doesn't require much in-depth Biblical knowledge, making it a good choice to help teach children about the stories in the Bible.
Because players must work together, it also is an excellent option for families looking to instill good interpersonal values for their children. Designed for two to six players, it's recommended for ages 13 and above. The play style is similar to that of the popular game Pandemic, but in reverse. Board Game Geek gives this Christian board game a generally positive rating. It retails for about $50.
Bible Sequence
As its name implies, Bible Sequence is a Bible-themed version of the game Sequence. Two to six players work through a board featuring a gameboard with tiles. An accompanying deck of cards have scriptures from the Bible. The goal is to match the card to a tile and get five in a row. The game comes with instructions in English and Spanish and is appropriate for ages 6 and up. Like the original Sequence game, it's an easy-to-learn game that is fun for children and adults.
Bible Sequence gets solid ratings on Amazon and players point out that a nice feature of the game is that you'll be reading the scriptures on the card aloud as a family. The game is about $25.
Faith and Redemption
Players in this Bible board game follow a path from the very beginnings in Eden until the end of the world. The goal is to get followers and help them to live a life without sin and beat Satan. The game moves through every phase of the Bible, including the stories from the Old and New Testaments. The game features a beautiful board and matching player cards and tokens.
Player reviews on Amazon say Faith and Redemption is "a really different game" and "a must have as a Christian." It retails for about $20 and is appropriate for children 10 and older, as well as adults. The game is designed to be played by up to four players.
Playing Games and Learning the Bible
There are many options for Christian games and you can find Bible versions of popular games like Apples to Apples, Scattergories, and Cranium too. Christian board games are an excellent way to combine fun with strengthening your children's faith.