5 of the Funniest Party Board Games to Laugh Into Victory

Published June 1, 2018
Funniest Party Board Games

Gathering together some friends to play a board game can be a great deal of fun. It's even better when the game itself is funny.

Exploding Kittens

Exploding Kittens over $8 million dollars on Kickstarter, which is the highest amount ever for a game on the funding site. Forbes claims it's "overall a hit." The game has over 7,000 reviews on Amazon with a 4.5 stars score.

  • Players: 2 to 5; up to 20 with Party Pack
  • Age: 7 plus, except for the NSFW edition for 18 or older
  • Objective: Finish the deck of cards without dying from the exploding kitten.


Players draw cards from the deck until the exploding kitten card is picked.

  • If the player who picked the card has a Defuse card, the kitten can be prevented from exploding. The defuse cards are funny scenarios such as catnip sandwiches, weaponized back hair, and a laser pointer.
  • Other cards in the deck are different options for avoiding the exploding kitten. If the player does not have a defuse card, then he or she is dead and out of the game.

Cards Against Humanity

The game is definitely for adults only, and the humor is described as "hilariously inappropriate." Game and hobby site HobbyLark lists Cards Against Humanity as one of its top 5 adult party games. You can also download the game for free on the game's website and make your own cards.

  • Players: At least 4 or more
  • Age: 18 or older
  • Objective: To go through the deck of cards until everyone agrees to end. You can pick a certain number of points to win or when a specific card is pulled.

How to Play

Cards Against Humanity

There are two decks of cards, black and white. Each player gets 10 white cards and the rest of the decks are turned over to hide their information.

  1. The first player picks a black card and reads its question.
  2. The remaining players must pick a white card in answer to the question.
  3. The cards are handed to the first player who will shuffle them and then read the black card again, followed by the answers on the white cards.
  4. The first player then picks the card that he or she thinks is the funniest answer, and that player gets one point.
  5. The remaining white cards are put to the side and the black card is chosen by the next player, and so on.


This is a great game for children and adults. It's listed as one of the top 10 board games for kids by education site Fractus Learning. Board Game Geek gives it an review of 7.4. It has won multiple awards including the 2015 Vuoden Pell Party Game of the Year (Finland) and 2011 Games Magazine Best New Party Game.

  • Players: 4 to 8
  • Age: 12 or older
  • Objective: There is no objective except having fun.

Playing Telestrations

The game includes a timer, two decks of cards and a sketchbook for each player.

  1. Each player selects a card and the first player rolls the dice.
  2. Each player selects the word on their card that corresponds to the dice roll.
  3. Everyone then sketches in their book a representation of their word until the timer runs out.
  4. Players pass their book to the next person and then everyone must guess what word they drew, then sketch that, and pass their book to the next person, and so on.


This guessing game has been around since 1989, but it's still a game widely enjoyed at parties today. It's been featured in many movies and TV shows such as The Office, King of the Hill, and the Ellen DeGeneres Show. It's on Top Ten Gamer's list of best adult party games.

  • Players: 4 to 10
  • Age: 13 or older
  • Objective: To receive the most points when players decide to end the game.

Playing Taboo

Hasbro Taboo Board Game

The game has a deck of cards. Each card has five words on it, and one is a "taboo" word with information on it on the back of the card. Each round is timed and the players are grouped into teams.

  1. The first team will have one player who draws a card and one who must guess as many words as he or she can to find out the taboo word.
  2. The player who drew the card can give them information but cannot say the word or words closely associated to it.
  3. If a team guesses it and the timer is still running, the group can move on to another word on the card.
  4. At the end of each round teams get a point for guessing correctly and lose a point if the player said the taboo word.

What Do You Meme?

What Do You Meme? is the top-selling game worldwide on Amazon.com in 2017 with a review score of 4.5 stars and 4.8 on eBay. Consumer review site Does It Really Work says the game, "has the capability of drawing party goers' attention and creating a lot of laughs."

  • Players: 3 to 20
  • Age: 17 or older (some profanity)
  • Objective: To get the most votes in each round before players end the game.

Playing the Game

What Do You Meme Adult Party Game

Players receive seven cards each.

  • The judge, called "The Jerry," picks a photo card from another deck.
  • The players choose one of their seven cards based on which one they think goes with the photo best.
  • The Jerry then reads each out loud and chooses the winner.
  • Then the next player becomes The Jerry and so on.

Have a Game Party

Add more spice into your next group gathering with one of these fun games. Just make sure the one you choose is age-appropriate and soon, everyone will be playing and laughing.

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5 of the Funniest Party Board Games to Laugh Into Victory