If you are looking for a worst-case scenario survivor game, University Games has a few that may fit the bill. Based on the best-selling book series by the same name, The Worst-Case Scenario Survival games allow children and adults to use life experiences to get out of some of tough situations.
About The Worst-Case Scenario Popular Culture
The first book in the popular series, The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook was written by Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht in 1999, and offered instructions on how to get out of worst-case situations. The book was an instant best-seller, and from there, nine more books have been authored focusing on certain aspects of life where people may face challenging scenarios including:
- Traveling
- Parenting
- Weddings
- College
- Dating and Sex
- Golf
- Life
- Holidays
From there branched a series of calendars, cards, board games, card games, and yes, even a short-lived reality television show in 2002.
Playing the Game
Playing any of the worst-case scenario games is fun -- and challenging. Of course, your goal is to win! The youngest player goes first and rolls the die. The team to his/her right picks a question card and reads the question and the three possible answers (the correct answer is in bold). If the question is answered correctly, the player can move his piece however many spaces as is shown on the die. If the right answer is not chosen, the team asking the question can move the recommended amount of spaces. The first team to cross the finish line wins the game. However, each edition does have its twists and turns, as well as its own set of rules.
Worst-Case Scenario Survival Games
The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Game series has several editions available from which to choose depending on your interests and skill levels. The games are for two or more players, ages eight and older.
The Original Worst-Case Scenario Survivor Game
The first game in the series is called The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Game. The object is to correctly answer questions on how to get out of some common every day scenarios. If you are right, you can move on, but if you answer incorrectly, the scenario you are facing just gets worst. Some scenarios include:
- Surviving a fall into a Dumpster
- Clearing a jammed copy machine
- Fending off a shark
- Landing an airplane
- Escaping from a trunk of a car
Playing pieces for this game includes:
- Game board
- Four playing pieces
- 300 worst-case scenario cards
- One die
The Worst-Case Scenario Game of Surviving Life
This version of the popular family game focuses more on taking risks to help you get through life. Survival instincts play a major role in this game as you go through several stages of life such as:
- Childhood
- School
- Dating
- Jobs and career
- Family life
- Golden years
After you answer a question correctly, you will get to move on to the next phase of life. But if you answer incorrectly, and you will lose a body part. Once you lose all of your body parts, you are sent to the graveyard.
Playing pieces for this edition include:
- A game board
- Four playing pieces
- 20 body parts -- two arms, two legs and a head for each playing piece
- 270 question cards
- 80 gold tokens
- 1 die
The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Game: Golf
In 2002, a Worst-Case Scenario golf edition came out. It has since been discontinued, but copies can be found on the Internet. The premise of the game is whether you can handle tough golf situations. The first scenario is choosing your putter and it normally isn't a golf club; sometimes it's a ruler or even your own foot! You will then have to decide how you will get out of a golf predicament such as how to proceed when your ball lands in a birds nest. Move on if your answer is right, but receive a penalty if you are wrong. The game comes with:
- Three Worst-Case Scenario golf balls
- Cardboard putting green
- Water hazard and bunker
- Scorecard
- Erasable crayon
Worst-Case Scenario Junior Game
Yes, even the kids can enjoy this popular board game. Designed for children 8-14 years old, those playing this version are armed with tool cards (such as a broom or water bottle) and after hearing a scenario, decide which tool would be best to help them out of that situation. A cool twist to this game is that the cards can also give "icky choices, such as: "What's Worse: Giving your cat a bath by licking it all over OR eating a giant bowl of dog food?"Some other the scenarios in the junior edition, which is for two to six players, include:
- How do you keep from spreading your poison oak rash?
- How do you get an alligator to let go of your friend's foot?
The game comes with:
- A game board
- 50 tool cards
- 170 game cards
- Six "What's Worse?" chips
- Six playing pieces
- One die
Unfortunately, this game is out of print, but good used ones can be found on eBay.
Finding the Worst-Case Scenario Survivor Games
If they are still being manufactured, these worst-case scenario survivor games can be found where most strategic and family board games are sold including AreYouGame.com.