Answering the question, "Who invented modern chess" can elicit many answers. While no one person invented the game of chess as it stands today, it can be reported that certain details of the game can be attributed to individuals and countries.
Who Invented Modern Chess: India or Perisa
Around the 6th century, India introduced many concepts of modern day chess. The Indian piece rajah eventually became the King (Persians called it shah.) Chess and check actual came from the French word echec. The modern version of chess derived many terms from the game played centuries ago. Between India and Persia, it's hard to figure out who invented modern chess because so many different rules and moves were descended from both countries versions of the game.
As the game migrated from India to Persian, two very important moves involving the goal of the game was developed. Checking the King and checkmating the King was initiated by Persia.
The 15th Century
It wasn't until chess hit Europe that the game took a decided resemblance to the modern game. The moves, which, gained quick popularity in history, dealt with pawns and Queens. Pawns finally got the ability to move one or two squares on its first move while the Queen ultimately received her full powers of moving diagonally, vertically, and horizontally. The bishop also gained its complete diagonal powers. Previously, the bishop only moved one to two squares diagonally.
The newest [Chess_Rules|set of rules]], which didn't get totally complete until the early-1800's, involved stalemate. With specific rules in place and no other guidelines needed, chess competitions erupted throughout the world to determine who the best was regionally and globally.
Rules of Modern Chess
Despite being a complicated game that can take years and decades to master, modern chess is governed by a few rules, as outlined simply below.
- The biggest rules are how the pieces move. Each chess piece has a unique function that allows it to attack, defend, and support other pieces.
- The pawn's first move is either one or two spaces forward.
- Castling can occur if there is open spaces between the King and Rook and if no opposing forces attack any square in the path of castling.
- When a pawn reaches the eight rank, it can be promoted to any piece of the player's choosing except a pawn and King.
- A stalemate happens when a player cannot move a piece and, in the case of only holding a King on the board, when the King's only move puts him in check.
- An automatic draw is implied when there are only two Kings on the board or some combination of King, King and Bishop, or King and Knight. Checkmate is not possible, so continued play is useless.
- En Passant means "in passing" and occurs when a pawn on the 5th rank is avoided by an adjacent opposing pawn from its original square by moving two spaces forward. The opponent's pawn now cannot be capture because it has escaped attack. On his or her next move, the player being avoided can capture the pawn as if it had been in the attacking square.
Modern Chess
There is a variant of chess called modern chess, which was invented by Gabriel Maura in 1968. This version is played on a nine by nine checkerboard and includes all the regular pieces of chess, plus an extra piece called the Minister. The Minister is similar to the Queen in that it can move like two pieces…in this instance, the Knight and the Bishop. Since there are two dark colored bishops in the game, there is a rule called "Bishop Adjustment" where a player can switch the color of one of the orthodox Bishops to a square one of the other pieces is on. The pieces still have to be on their original squares, and a player can only do the adjustment once in a game. Modern chess isn't popular worldwide but has a good following in the Latin American countries and Spain.
Easier to Play
To figure out who invented modern chess would strain the mind. It's easier to play the game of chess than to find out that answer.