Familiar "Qu" Pairs

Quad: Think Four

Quack and Other Common Qu Words


Qadi: Muslim Judge

Qoph: Hebrew Letter

Faqir: Look to the Hindu World

Qindar: Albanian Currency

Qi: Chinese Influence

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Scrabble words with Q are among the most difficult to find, and that is why the letter Q is worth 10 points. If you have any desire to win a game of Scrabble, you really need to learn several Q words.
Everyone is familiar with the words that pair Q and U:
Quad means four, and there are a few words that build on that:
Quack is a common word with the popular "qu" pairing. Here are a few others:
It's the layout of your keyboard, and it's also an accepted scrabble word with Q: QWERTY. The plural is Qwertys.
The Islamic world makes good use of the letter Q, and that's great news for Scrabble enthusiasts. Qadi is an Islamic judge. The plural form is Qadis.
Other Q words from the Muslim world are Qaid and Qaids.
Qoph is a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The plural form is Qophs.
Many of the words that use Q without a U hail from other lands or other cultures. "Faqir" is one example. It means a Hindu monk. The plural is Faqirs.
Qindar is a form of Albanian currency, and it's also a high scoring Scrabble word with Q. Plural is Qindarka or Qindars.
Qi is a name for life energy in Chinese philosophy.
For more Scrabble suggestions, see Scrabble Words Ending in U and Scrabble Two Letter Words.