13 Scrabble Dictionary Options to Choose Your Winning Word

Scrabble pieces

If you love playing Scrabble, you know the importance of having a good Scrabble dictionary to settle challenges and disputes that arise during a game.

The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary

The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary: Fourth Edition by Merriam-Webster includes more than 10,000 playable Scrabble words ranging from two to eight letters in length. With more than 4,0000 new words added since the printing of the third edition, this dictionary is a great resource for all serious Scrabble players. Additional details of this excellent reference work include the following:

  • Variant word spellings
  • Endorsement by the National SCRABBLE® Association
  • The hardcover edition contains 704 pages
  • Available in mass market paperback and large print paperback

Scrabble Lexicons from Harper Collins Publishers

Harper Collins Publishers offers several versions of dictionaries for Scrabble. All of their dictionaries are endorsed by Mattel.

  • The hardcover edition of the Deluxe Scrabble Dictionary includes short meanings for all of the words included in the book.
  • The pocket sized dictionary for Scrabble by Sandra Anderson and Harper Collins Publishers is the perfect size to take with you for games away from home.
  • Harper Collins also publishes a paperback version of their dictionary for this popular game which includes short definitions and tips and hints on using the premium Scrabble squares, blank tiles and the letters S, Q, J, X, and Z.

More Dictionaries for Playing the Game of Scrabble

Additional printed dictionaries published for Scrabble players include:

  • The Chambers Family Scrabble Dictionary: Official Scrabble Reference by Una McGovern is derived from the Chambers dictionary and is designed for recreational Scrabble playing.
  • Another popular dictionary for Scrabble players is The Merriam-Webster Official Scrabble Players Dictionary Illustrated Edition by DK Publishing. The illustrated dictionary uses the text of The Merriam-Webster Official Scrabble Players Dictionary.

Electronic Scrabble Dictionary

The electronic Franklin Deluxe Edition of the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary: Fourth Edition provides fast results to word challenges and disputes. With more than 100,000 two to eight letter words, this electronic Scrabble dictionary is lightweight and portable making it easy to take with you to any Scrabble game. Special features of the Franklin electronic dictionary for Scrabble players include the following:

  • Creation of words from letter tiles
  • Word solutions from letter patterns
  • Phonetic spell corrections
  • Brief word definitions
  • Runs on four AAA batteries
  • Measures 5 inches by 5 inches by 1 inch and weighs 5 ounces
  • Includes three word games

Scrabble Online Dictionaries

For Scrabble players that prefer using online dictionaries, there are a number of different options. While many players choose to use online versions of these dictionaries while playing a game of Scrabble via the Internet, it must be noted that unless you notify your opponent that you are using a Scrabble online dictionary, it is considered cheating.

  • The Scrabble dictionary from Hasbro uses the word list from the Merriam-Webster's Official Scrabble Player's Dictionary, 4th Edition.
  • Puzz.com Wordfinder is part of the a2z wordfinder website which provides free dictionary resources for Scrabble in several languages and easy to understand instructions.
  • Lexulous
  • The Phrontistery provides two and three letter Scrabble words, the tournament word list (TWL98), the international word list (SOWPODS) and the standard North American word list.
  • Scrabble Solver is an online Scrabble word finder.
  • Your Dictionary provides many of the features that Scrabble players look for in a game dictionary.
  • Dictionary Langenberg provides a number of types of dictionaries including Scrabble, crossword puzzle and anagrams.
  • More Words

If you use an online Scrabble helper make sure to keep your computer safe by having your security and spyware protection turned on and up to date.

Whether you prefer using a hardcover lexicon, a large print paperback or an online version, a good Scrabble dictionary is a favorite resource of Scrabble players everywhere.

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13 Scrabble Dictionary Options to Choose Your Winning Word