Moods Board Game: From Set-Up to Family Fun

Moods board game
Moods game available from

If you are looking for a fun filled game for a party or evening of family fun, the Moods board game may be just the game for you. Released by the Hasbro Company in 2000, the board game Moods is played by three to eight players. According to the manufacturer, Moods is recommended for ages twelve years old and up, making it a great choice for kids and adult alike.

Playing Moods

Game Pieces

Each Moods game includes the following:

  • Game board
  • 8 different colored mood stones
  • 60 mood cards
  • A box of 120 phrase cards
  • 32 voting chips (four poker like chips of each color matching the mood stones with a number from one to four on each chip in the color set)
  • 1 ten-sided die
  • A dice cup
  • Label sheet
  • Instructions


Once the game board has been opened up and set on a table along with the phrase cards, each player chooses their colored mood stone and places it on the start space on the game board. The players are given the four voting chips in the color that matches their mood stone. Ten mood cards are randomly picked from the mood card pile and placed face up in the numbered slots in the center of the game board. Each of these cards has a different mood written on it. The number of the slot where the mood card is placed corresponds to the number on the ten-sided die.


The game of Moods is simple to play. But remember, just as it states on the game box " It's all in the way you say it". You must say the phrase on the card you pick in the mood, or emotion, stated on the card that matches the number you roll on the ten-sided die.

Once the game has been set up, the game is played in the following manner:

  • The first player places the die in the dice cup and shakes it and secretly looks inside the dice cup to see which number he has rolled. The number on the die matches the slot number of the mood card on the game board.
  • The player draws a phrase card and reads the phrase trying to convey the mood matching the number rolled on the ten-sided die.
  • When the player finishes reading the phrase, he or she yells out "One, two, three vote!".
  • The other players place one of their voting chips on the mood card in the center of the game board that they think the reader was trying to convey. It is up to the players to decide which voting chip, numbered one through four, they want to use. Generally, if a player feels confident that they know the mood conveyed they would use a higher number voting chip. If the player is not sure of the mood, a lower number voting chip is typically chosen.
  • The player that rolled the die reveals the number rolled.
  • Players that voted correctly on the mood the reader was trying to convey moves their mood stone around the outside of the board, one in space for each number on their voting chip. Players that did not choose the correct mood, do not move their mood stones at all.
  • The person that read the phrase gets to move their mood stone one in space for each player that voted correctly.
  • Once all players have moved their mood stones, all mood cards that have a voting chip on them are replaced with a different mood card. The played voting chips are also removed from game play until all four of each player's voting chips have been used.
  • Each player takes a turn repeating the above steps.
  • The winner is the first person who moves his or her mood stone completely around the board.

Forget Your Inhibitions and Have Fun

High on the fun factor of this board game is the willingness of the players to try to act out the phrases in the mood they are given. The key to having a hilariously funny and fun filled time is forgetting about being self consciousness and really throwing yourself into your acting ability. After all, everyone is playing to have fun, and part of the fun is trying to convince the other players that you are acting out the proper mood, or emotion, even though it really does not fit with the phrase. For instance, just about anyone may look and sound silly saying something like, " My first pet was a gorilla" in a passionate way or "I love my rubber ducky" in a bossy tone. Forget your inhibitions and any feelings of self consciousness, and show off your real acting skills for an evening filled with laughter and fun playing the Moods board game.

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Moods Board Game: From Set-Up to Family Fun