If you're shopping for hard to find board games, don't give up. There are strategies you can use to find the game you are looking for as long as you have the patience to use them.
Reasons Games Are Hard to Find
You have looked in every toy store in town. You have done everything you know to do and the elusive board game remains in hiding. What is going on? There can be a number of reasons that a board game could be difficult to find. Knowing why you are having difficulty finding a certain game is one of the keys to actually being able to find it.
- Has the manufacturer stopped making the game? Depending on how old the game is, it may be that it just is not available in the store anymore. Vintage games can often be found as collector's items.
- Is it a "hot" title? Especially during the holidays, games that are very popular may be hard to find, particularly if they are new releases.
- Is it a small company or an obscure game? Some games don't have a wide customer base and will only be carried by certain specialty stores. Others are hand made by artisans in very limited editions. Either way you may have to search a little harder.
Once you know why the game is hard to find you can plan your strategy.
Shopping for Hard to Find Board Games
First, head to the local toy store. Even if they don't have the game, the manager or customer service might be able to give you valuable information. Here are some things that you can accomplish at the toy store:
- Find out why the game is not in stock.
- Check if another store has the game.
- Get manufacturer's information.
- Special order the game.
If you still haven't been able to find the game you are looking for, you should take your search to the Internet.
- Use a search engine to look for the game.
- Contact the manufacturer about the game.
- Check eBay and other auction sites.
- Check an Internet site that carries hard to find and unusual games like Game Preserve.
Out of Print Games
If you know that the game you are looking for is no longer being made, then you should start with the Internet, especially eBay. Some good places to find hard to find board games are:
Tips for Finding Board Games
- Know what you are looking for. You will need the following information-
- Game title
- Date game was released or copyright
- The publisher or manufacturer
- Be patient. Finding a game, especially and out of print game, can take time.
- Check thrift stores, garage sales, and antique shops.
- Post what you are looking for on forums like Board Game Geek.
- If you are buying a game on eBay, always read the details carefully.
- What is the seller's return policy?
- What have others said about this seller?
- If you are looking for a vintage game that is hard to find but not rare, you may want to watch the selling price of it on eBay for awhile before you commit to buying it. In this way you can be assured that you don't overpay for your game.
You can use these same methods to locate missing pieces, instructions, and other components of your board games. Always check with the manufacturer first and then begin searching on eBay. You may also want to post your request in eBay's Want It Now. This is an area of eBay where people can post the items they are looking for. It doesn't cost anything to post in Want It Now, and the results are often very good.Depending on the rarity of the game it may take some time to find. With patience and persistence, your search for that hard to find board game is sure to be rewarded.