The Beat the Parents game is fun for the whole family. This is a trivia style board game where kids and parents can test each other with questions from each other's generation. It's great fun for two or more players, ages 8 to 14 and adults. Find out why kids and parents alike can't get enough of the Beat the Parents card game.
What Is the Beat the Parents Game?
The Beat the Parents game is an exciting board, card, trivia game that pits children against parents or other adults. It levels the playing field by adding questions for kids that parents would know and questions for parents that kids would know.
Who Is It Designed For?
Beat the Parents trivia game is designed for everyone! It is a good choice for family game night or anytime you want a family board game. It is great fun for adults and kids to play together - either one or two kids plus an adult or two or a large group of kids and adults. It can be a fun way to get grumpy Uncle Henry and shy Aunt Mary out of the corner and into the fun with their nieces and nephews.
What Makes the Beat the Parents Game Fun?
The game is a battle royal between adults and kids. It is all the fun of a trivia game like Trivial Pursuit, but with both kids and adult questions. What is more fun than that? Especially for a kid. Do your parents know what school Harry Potter attends? You'll be surprised at how many can't answer Hogwarts. And the wild cards have you going backward and forward. The fun is in the unpredictability and challenge of it all.

How to Play
Beat the Parents comes with a board, tokens and trivia cards. After laying them out, you'll follow these rules:
- Parents and kids sit on opposing sides of the game board so that they can start from the starting space marked "Parents Start" or "Kids Start." They can play as individuals or as teams.
- Each team or play gets two tokens.
- Parents receive red tokens, and kids play with yellow tokens.
- One token is placed in the starting spot, and the other token is held off the board until the first token has crossed the game board.
- All three decks of game cards are shuffled and then placed on their respective areas on the game board.
Now that you are ready, it's time to get started.
Kids Go First
The kids have the first turn. Parents pick up a Question card and ask the kid or kids any of the three questions listed on the card for kids. If the kids answer the question correctly, they move their marker one space. Parents then ask another question after which the kid can move a space if they answer the question correctly. If the kid answers the second question correctly, a third question can be asked. Kids can move up to a total of three spaces. If the kids ever answer a question incorrectly, they don't move their marker and the turn goes to the adult.
Adults Turn
Now the kids pick the card and ask the questions which the adults try to answer. For every question the adults answer correctly, the adult moves one space.
Continue Game Play
Both players and teams continue to answer questions and move their first token across the board. Then, they place their second token in the starting position and move this token across the game board.
Wild Cards
If a player or team lands on a wild card space, they select the appropriate Wild Card - either a Kids Wild Card or a Parents Wild Card - and follow the instructions on the card.
When a player or team is moving their token at the end of their turn, they can capture the first token of the opponent if they land on the same space where the token is sitting. In order to free his captured token, the token's owner would have to get his remaining token across the game board to the other player's starting position. The winner is the first one to get all their tokens across the board.
Beat the Parents Variations
The original Beat the Parents game has been updated since its inception, with some versions adding bonus and bust tokens. Most retail for around $15 to $20. Different variations have come out over the years. Some of the older editions or variations may not be available new, in which case you'll have to buy from other sellers or second-hand. A few versions include:
- The Disney edition (approximately $40) where kids and parents take on all the characters and trivia from their favorite movies, shows, and parks.
- The Family Challenge (around $20) offers four events and parents and kids play to earn medals.
- The card game (less than $10) allows parents and kids to play on-the-go!
Disney Beat the Parents
History of Beat the Parents Card Game
The Beat the Parents Game was introduced in 2004 by Imagination Entertainment Ltd., an Australian company that also distributes games in the United States and Europe. The game was a finalist for the 2007 Toy of the Year, and it was the winner of the 2007 Creative Child Award's "Preferred Choice Award" in the Family Board Games category. It was purchased by Spin Master in 2010.
User Thoughts
Many people find this to be a fun and exciting game that keeps their family entertained on family game night. Check out a few user responses both good and bad.
Amazon Users
This game had an over 54% five-star rating with users noting "it was such a fun game" and "made family game night challenging." However, some users did note that it was only good for playing once or twice because you remember the cards.
Homeschool Games
Homeschool Games review of the Beat the Parents card game pointed out that the game was fun and one to their favorites. Meg Grooms also noted that it works great for bonding in a large family.
Using Beat the Parents
Beat the Parents trivia game makes a great game for connecting with your kids in your own home, but there are a variety of ways that you can use this game.
Take It to School
After you've had your fill at home, you might try taking this to school and make a kids against teachers challenge. It doesn't get more fun than that.
Bring It to a Family Gathering
Family picnics, holiday parties and general gatherings are a great place to play this game in teams. Not only will it create fun for everyone but there could be a winner and loser challenge given before that game starts like parents having to eat all the veggies and kids getting nothing but sweets.
Make It Original
Have you overused your trivia cards? Think of your own. Challenge kids and parents to create new trivia cards that they can play with. This can take the challenge of the game to a whole new level.
Beating Your Parents
Parents have all the knowledge and sometimes leveling the playing field can connect a family in a way that you never imagined could be possible. Test your knowledge and let the hilarity begin with your family by trying Beat the Parents.