Axis and Allies Replacement Pieces: Where to Buy or DIY

Updated November 18, 2019
Larry Harris, Creator of The Game Axis and Allies

Axis & Allies replacement pieces may not be available from the publisher, but you can still purchase extra pieces for the Axis & Allies (A & A) strategy games. From collectors to artisans, fans of all versions of the A & A board game have found ways to offer replacement parts to fellow gamers.

Where to Buy Axis & Allies Replacement Pieces

Specialty stores, artisans, and creative shopping can help you find the game pieces you need to play any version of Axis & Allies. Depending on how many replacement pieces you need, it may be cheaper to buy a whole new game.

Historical Board Gaming

Historical Board Gaming is a website that exclusively sells accessories from specific board games that feature historical topics. Their Axis & Allies section includes pieces and parts from 14 different versions of the game. You can find everything from replacement game boards to chips and specific vehicles in the appropriate color for each country. Most individual game pieces are sold for well under one dollar per piece. Historical Board Gaming sells game pieces from the following versions of Axis & Allies:

  • Classic 1984 version
  • Europe edition from 1999
  • Pacific edition from 2001
  • Revised 2004 version
  • Battle of the Bulge edition from 2006
  • Guadalcanal edition from 2007
  • 1941 edition from 2012
  • Spring 1942 - Second edition from 2012
  • Pacific 1940 - Second edition from 2012
  • Europe 1940 - Second edition from 2012
  • 1914 edition from 2013
  • Anniversary edition from 2017
  • Zombies edition from 2018

Axis & Allies Pieces From eBay

Individual sellers on eBay sell everything from individual bombers to full sets of game pieces for all version of Axis and Allies games. You can search for the specific items you need or browse the collections of replacement or add-on game pieces. There are about 300 listings on eBay for Axis & Allies pieces.

Green plastic tank and soldiers

Panzerschiffe Model Battle Ships

While some models of battle ships may be slightly larger than the original game versions, Panzerschiffe's 1/2400 scale models work well for most A & A games. There are over 500 ship models available to order from the website, all made from epoxy castings. All the ships are gray, but you can paint them using any brand of hobby paint to match the country you need. Panzerschiffe sells their model ships for anywhere between $2 and $5 depending on the model.

Shapeways 3D Printing Marketplace

Shapeways is a modern crafters online marketplace with a focus on 3D printed goods. Individual sellers who love creating replica game pieces for Axis & Allies games have nearly 800 listings for individual game pieces and sets. Most pieces come in a standard white color, so you'll need to use hobby paint to make yours match the actual game pieces you own. Most individual pieces sell for around $5 to $10 dollars.

Axis & Allies Pieces From Etsy

Although Etsy is known for its hand-crafted artisan pieces, it also houses sellers of vintage goods. From modern 3D printed versions of classic game pieces to handmade game pieces and individual pieces collected from old game sets, you can find lots of A & A replacement pieces online at Etsy. Prices vary depending on the type of game piece and whether it was found or made.

Thrift Stores and Yard Sales

If you're willing to spend some time searching, you may be able to find old Axis & Allies games at yard sales or local thrift stores. Since these are used board games, they may also be missing some pieces so check to make sure they have the ones you need before buying.

Green plastic soldier toy pieces

How to Make Your Own Axis & Allies Replacement Pieces

A quick trip through the kids toy section at any store or the miniatures section at a hobby store could result in the discovery of something that closely resembles the piece you need. Sometimes pieces from other games can also double as the A & A game piece you're looking for.

  • Take the ships from a Battleship game and paint them the color you need.
  • Buy poker chips or mini poker chips in the colors you need or use stickers or paint to customize them.
  • Print off free game piece instructions from Thingiverse such as the Axis & Allies industrial complex or tiny tank to use with your personal 3D printer.
  • Use modeling clay to sculpt your own game pieces using the current pieces or online images as a basis.
  • Glue a few pieces of foam board together to get your desired game piece height then carve the shape of the game piece using a craft knife.

Keep Your Game Alive With Replacement Pieces

Whether you've lost a few pieces or want to add more to the standard game, finding or making Axis & Allies game pieces can keep your game alive. Because this historical board game features miniature versions of soldiers and real military vehicles, it's pretty easy to find similar items that will work for this educational game.

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Axis and Allies Replacement Pieces: Where to Buy or DIY